25 - 27 JUNE 2025


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Visitor Profiles

Livestock Philippines 2024 is open to trade and business visitors only and attracts a wide range of key decision makers, influencers and buyers including

» Academicians
» Agents
» Animal Nutritionist
» Aquaculture Engineers
» Bottlers and Canners
» Breeders
» Buyers & Specifiers
» Consultants
» Distributors
» Feed Manufacturers / Millers
» Fish Farmers
» Fish Processing Industrialists
» Food Scientists
» Government Agencies (Department of Agriculture and its attached Livestock Agencies)
» Importers and Exporters
» Integrator
» Investors
» Meat / Fish / Seafood Processors
» Nutritionists
» Private Trade Associations
» Processed Food Manufactures
» Quality Controllers
» Raisers
» Researchers
» Senior Management
» Slaughterhouses
» Supermarkets
» Hotels
» Restaurants
» Traders, Suppliers & Distributors
» Veterinarians
» Veterinary Drugs and Product Manufacturers
» Wholesalers and Retailers
and many other.