07 July 2020

10.00 – 10.45 (GMT +7 Thailand Time)
Poultry (Layers) Market
in the Philippines
Ms. Cecille Virtucio
Managing Director,
Batangas Egg Producers Cooperative

07 July 2020

13.00 – 13.45 (GMT +7 Thailand Time)
Effect of COVID-19 on Poultry
Industry in Malaysia
Datuk Jeffrey Ng
Advisor of,
Federation of Livestock Farmers
Association of Malaysia (FLFAM)

07 July 2020

15.00 – 15.45 (GMT +7 Thailand Time)
How to Prevent Salmonella
a Problems in Broilers
Mr. Thomas Mallens
International Poultry Manager,
MS Schippers
Mr. Rogier van Leeuwen
Business Development Manager,
Royal GD

08 July 2020

10.00 – 10.45 (GMT +7 Thailand Time)
Manage Lighting
in Layers
Dr. Seiche Genger
Southeast Asia Technical Manager,
Hy-Line International

08 July 2020

15.00 – 15.45 (GMT +7 Thailand Time)
Managing Feed Nutrition to
Optimize Poultry Genetics
Dr. Dina Joarder
Poultry Nutritionist,
Cargill ANH in North America

09 July 2020

10.00 – 10.45 (GMT +7 Thailand Time)
ASF and Covid-19. Update on Effects
to SEA Poultry and Pork Industry
Mr. Gordon Butland
G&S Agriconsultants

09 July 2020

13.00 – 13.45 (GMT +7 Thailand Time)
Evaluation of Intestinal
Health in Broilers
Asst. Prof. Dr. Narin Upragarin
Department of Farm Resources and
Production Medicine, Kasertsart University

09 July 2020

15.00 – 15.45 (GMT +7 Thailand Time)
Layer Production Improvement
by Nutrition
Asst. Prof. Dr. Theerawit Poeikhampha
Department of Animal Science,
Kasetsart University

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