25 - 27 JUNE 2025


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Industry Webinars

Swine Webinar

Episode #01
Date: 28 April 2020
Time: 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT +7)
Language: English

Episode #02
Date: 14 May 2020
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 (GMT +7 Bangkok time)
Language: English

Episode #03
Date: 4 June 2020
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 (GMT +7 Bangkok Time)
Language: English

Feed & Gut Health Week
Date: 25 » 27 August 2020
Language: English

Animine Webinar
Date: 15 December 2020
Language: English

Swine Webinar
Date: 24 March 2021
Language: English with Vietnamese Translation

Swine Days
Date: 19 » 20 January 2022
Language: English

Poultry Webinar

Poultry Week
Date: 07 » 09 July 2020
Language: English

APC Webinar
Date: 22 September 2020
Language: English

Aquaculture Webinar

Aquaculture Week
Date: 27 » 29 October 2020
Language: English

What is a webinar?


The word webinar comes from “online seminar” or “web-based seminar”.

In the midst of the COVID-19 spread of which the impact can be seen all over the world, our team wants to bring the learning opportunity closer to you even beyond the travel restrictions. Informa Markets creates Livestock series webinar which is an ideal platform for industry players to network and learn.

Livestock series webinar is a live, virtual event that is executed online. It is an educational or instructive session that includes audio and visual communication between a speaker and attendees. Webinar software enables the sharing files and interactive participation through chat boxes and Q&A features.

Why attend the Livestock Series webinars?

» Opportunity to learn.

» Webinars are very educational.

» The on-demand availability of webinars.

» Access from anywhere (no travel needed!).

» Webinars are low-cost (or free!).

» Interactive data and content.